Employment Law

Whether it’s for dismissal, hiring, workplace accidents, or any other issue related to labor law, our team offers a comprehensive and tailored service to its clients. Unlike many firms, our office advises, guides, and defends its clients, whether they are employers or employees.

Our expertise focuses on the following areas:

  • General legal advice in labor law
  • Drafting, modifying, and reviewing employment contracts
  • Representation of executives and employers before various judicial bodies
  • Negotiating severance pay
  • Preparation, case analysis, and representation of employees during mediation sessions
  • Analysis of workplace accidents or occupational diseases
  • Preparation and drafting of termination letters, including severance pay assessment, if applicable
  • Advice on appropriate disciplinary measures
  • Employer support during investigations and harassment claims
  • Advice on grievances and representation in arbitration
  • Negotiation of new collective agreements or their renewal
  • Advice and drafting of workplace health and safety policies
  • Representation, advice, and negotiation of criminal cases related to labor law violations

For any other service request, please feel free to contact us to confirm whether our team can assist you.